Monday, March 29, 2010
So exhausted from the weekend, but all I can say is, JT is love!!! ♥ All worth it! ;)

Oh yes, after how many years, Justin Timberlake in Manila (yes I blogged about it somewhere here) and I did make it to the Timbaland/Jojo/JT concert. Love it!

Had so much fun, what with all the popular songs from his last album - oh yes, doing that circular hand motion during What Comes Around and finally hearing Sexy Back live! :D

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Posted at 11:34 PM | 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Earthquake today. We could really feel it, being at the 15th floor. I thought I was just dizzy because at 130p, Crissy and I had yet to have lunch (long story, cranky us). Standing by the photocopier, I held on thinking I was going to crash to the floor (and the photocopier would support me? Meh), then I saw Crissy all of a sudden holding onto her desk. Then I saw the other people on our floor stand up and look at the rolling shelves in front of us. Scary! It was longer than usual too. Good thing no major destruction!

Crissy and I had also planned to go to the nearby National since she wanted to buy a puzzle book for her weekend getaway. When we went downstairs after our (very late) lunch, we had to detour across the parking lot because there was a fire drill in the building next to ours! As in, complete with the fire truck, ambulance, "victims" and firefighters in full gear. It was fun to watch the firefighters/rescue rappel down the side of the building, among other styles of rescuing people. Hehe our little trip to Natio took a bit longer because of the detour and of the fire drill. We hoped for a pseudo SWAT team and K9 unit (only the dogs would be Golden Retrievers, Labs - all cheery dogs)...

Stopped by Natio - ooh, they have Hunger Games and Catching Fire already, but in hardbound. Why oh why don't they ever have paperback of those books? Crissy got her books and we skipped over to Krispy Kreme for coffee. Jam packed wth people! But new discovery would be the Kaffee Kreme (sp?), it's good (I got my usual Mocha, but Crissy swears by the hot coffee). Will try that next time!

We got back to work - yes the 30 minute stroll outside perked us up. It was quite the woozy kind of day, what with the earthquake and work. Nice how small things make the day a bit better.


Posted at 10:58 PM | 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
today in my life
Yes, it's the Ides of March! Haha I think I'm the only one who celebrates this day. :) So funny. But when I was in first year high school and we were introduced to our very first Shakespeare play, Julius Caesar, for some strange reason, my classmates decided to celebrate this day!

English was our first (or was it second?) class and we told our teacher not to come in until we told her to. When she entered the classroom, she saw one classmate playing a stabbed Julius Caesar lying down in front, while two others were Mark Antony and Brutus, doing their soliloquys. The lights were out, there were candles, we were all kneeling and a mock grave was in front! Imagine that, we even rehearsed that the day before. Our teacher was surprised and touched with our effort! Who knew we could come up with something like that? I guess we were pretty excited over Shakespeare - a much anticipated English class lesson (it's usually in the Fourth Quarter, if I remember correctly?) wherein we really feel like "high school." Haha I wonder if my high school classmates remember that... Yeah, Year I Section 2! ;)

But fast forward to now... boo, today was not a good day! :( It's a very frizzy day today. Sigh. Let us see what happened today:
  1. Woke up with a very heavy and depressed feeling. Uh-oh, not a good way to start the week despite it being one of my "favorite" days (Ides of March).
  2. Got into the car and saw the last person who used it did not switch off some things. Grr.
  3. Super, exag traffic on the way to work! As in I was only ten minutes out of the house. I had to turn around and go the trafficky route I avoid at all costs (I later learned it was a huge accident).
  4. Parking was almost full! Good thing found a spot.
  5. Almost tripped walking to the office. How embarrassing.
  6. Almost late for work :( Got in just time, but delayed with my admin functions.
  7. Stressful case that ate up my morning.
  8. Lots of calls and emails to follow up something!
  9. Loser with no program in my PC. Gaaah.
  10. Someone posed a tricky work-related question to me. No answer from me to date.
  11. I said I would go home early today, but not possible at all. :(
  12. Non work-related, but sometimes I wish I knew what I was doing...

Hay this day! What a distressing, frizzy day! It's that kind of day wherein I wish I could just curl up in bed and hide under the sheets until the world is kinder (even if it's warm). Sigh. I hope tomorrow will be better. Today had some highlights too (KK with Bes!), but I feel so blah after everything else. :( Here's to a better tomorrow - will sleep on it. :)

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Posted at 10:52 PM | 0 comments
Monday, March 08, 2010
I am much, much better and up and about already... trying to catch up at work as one week down was a lot! :( So yes, I am much better and learning to take care of myself more (no more overexerting or pushing myself! Going home earlier too... well, not last week. Let's try this week). Have to keep healthy so hmm let's see how I can get rid of my sedentary lifestyle. Hehe.

The heat right now is unbearable and I feel so bad for the farmlands. Always praying for rain where it's needed. So strange how we hated the rain especially last September, but now we need it so badly! :( Weather is so much extremes right now, makes you really conscious on how to more responsible with the planet and its resources. :(

It's March! I have a lot of personal challenges this month. One is work-related, with my seatmate, Crissy. Week 1 was generally a success - although I lagged a bit at the end of the week. Have to pick up. Day 1 of Week 2? Hmmm a bit fuzzy today. My bad. Should catch up tomorrow (even if I will go home early). Focus. I can do this. Other personal challenge is swimmingly coming along... we shall see. Happy March, this is going to be an interesting month, I hope!

I missed the Academy Awards today. :( I hope to catch replays this weekend.


Posted at 11:17 PM | 0 comments
Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

I am The current mood of monch at now.

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