Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thank goodness for holidays this month!

Today was a non-working holiday but I still went to work to get some things out of the way. What do you know, I was able to zone and finish quite enough! I was so proud of myself - I haven't zoned for a long time because of so many other distractions, so today was a good day to work, even for just a few hours. This Friday is another holiday, but hmmm I don't think I'm up for working this time. We shall see.

I am making the most of August and trying to salvage it to be a good month. I have always said July was just... the worst. I don't know, I just wanted to rid of July. There were fun times - Mommy Pam's wedding, The Art of Doing Nothing, bonding with our team, etc., but I guess some things just went so wrong in July. August is coming along swimmingly, I'm trying to make it a better month (hehe have really no where to go but up with that).


Posted at 9:35 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Oh gosh, it's the first time in a long time I went home late from work... yes, it's a lot of work, but you know what? I'm very grateful for being busy and the workload. I have not complained and I seem to be enjoying it. It's a good venue for me to pour all my energies to, I don't want to think about certain things (not anything big, something lang that I should have nipped in the bud a long time ago) in life and I'm directing my energies to work. :) So far, so good. I'm holding up and I think everything will be okay.


Posted at 11:03 PM | 0 comments
Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

I am The current mood of monch at now.

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