Monday, November 17, 2008
My vacation leave is over! :( Huhu. It was very busy and I was able to do pretty much a lot of things. Now have to get back to work...

VL Highlights:
  • Hong Kong with the family! My first vacation with them after two years, I think? Destination: Hong Kong/China (which included Macau, Shenzhen [sp?] and Disneyland! Would we ever pass that up?)! I enjoyed it thoroughly - I found the Hong Kong skyline also pretty amazing, especially at night. Would love to go back. :)

Bundi and I goofing around on our last night in Hong Kong
  • Bentosa with P - when I got back, P and I went on our much-awaited Bentosa! Well, we wanted to try the Bentosa cupping (not sure how it's called) for our backs. Ooh it was very nice although we did go around with round bruises on our backs.
  • Meeting up with Gwennie - I had not seen her and Mike for the longest time! Nice to catch up and talk about things. Gwennie, especially, knows me well, too.
  • Me time. :)
  • Chris Brown-Rihanna concert. Went with P, Chris, Pau and Malor. Ran into Karina and her siblings there too. Fun show but it was so tiring!
Stuff I wasn't able to do:
  • Christmas shop - oh my I feel really grinchy...
  • Declutter - I do want to clean out my room and closet but somehow I never got around to doing so...


Posted at 11:30 PM | 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Okay I feel extremely inefficient and unproductive. How is it that my friends P and MKV have done their Christmas shopping already?! I swear, we're all only on leave for a few days and they're all done with their shopping. I have yet to scout for gifts for everyone, I've only considered gifts for a few people and that's it.

But that's okay, I think I like shopping during the Christmas rush. For some reason, that's what gets me started on the Christmas excitement and all. But right now... well, I'm not up for the season just yet. It's like, wait, not yet! Christmas follows through to New Year (duh) and then 2008's over! It's just so soon. And looking back on the year so far... yikes. I can't quite say I made any significant changes or decisions with myself. Oh dear, I didn't quite mean to rant about this now, but I've had a lot of time to myself and to think lately, it's been creeping into my mind lately.

Sigh. I really shouldn't be thinking about these things now. Happy thoughts, come on now (Gwennie, Chris Brown-Rihanna this weekend!!! My leave's last hurrahs!!!).


Posted at 11:22 PM | 0 comments
Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

I am The current mood of monch at now.

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