Wednesday, September 03, 2008
When I think of August, it pretty much comes to this: long weekends, Sing and Twilight! Those were definitely highlights of the past month. Now it's September already! The -ber months are here and this signals that the year is about to end already! Oh wow. Goodness.

I'm still on a Twilight saga high, reading different parts of all four books at the same time! Plus, I'm also reading the draft Midnight Sun which is from Stephenie Meyer's website. I like reading it even if it's just a draft, 264 pages and in PDF format because it's Edward's point of view this time. It's nice to get into his head for a change since we hear two different voices in the course of the saga - not even Edward's - and I think Edward's a pretty interesting character (grr those Edward lines we keep reciting over and over throughout the day! Malor and I raised our standards again. Wahahaha!), not to mention his power.

Being on this Twilight high has completely stopped me from reading other books lately. My dad was asking me if I wanted this book and I was like, "Huh?" Still stuck on Edward Twilight! But I think I have to move on already... after I finish Midnight Sun.

Oh, before I forget, another highlight (and surprise!) was receiving a call from my old teammates last last week - the walang malisya team, Team F! I miss them. Hadn't heard from any of them in ages and it was so nice to hear from (some of) them recently. Those were interesting times with them and I know I learned a lot and changed a lot. :)

Oh wow. I wonder what's in store for September.

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Posted at 10:22 PM | 4 comments
Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

I am The current mood of monch at now.

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