Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Waaah!!! Ayan na naman, I have wrong (or late) timing again for something which I want in life talaga. Hay naku, I'm scared and worried how this will turn out again. We shall see, am crossing my fingers again. I hope hope hope it will work out. Or at least I have enough nerve to try again. I was so disappointed before. Wah.

Other than that, I can't quite believe it's already March tomorrow! So fast. And the weather is completely summery, I'm beginning my beach dreaming again. Hmmm. But then, I try to be happy, but oddly, I find summer's oppressive heat depressing. It's not helping my mood. Sigh.

Posted at 10:56 PM | 0 comments
Friday, February 24, 2006
I'm really upset today. Not so much about the state of emergency thing because I was a tad clueless about it (I already had an inkling when classes were suspended all of a sudden. And when I got to work, my friends who were going to watch WWE were worried about the show not pushing through. But seriously, being in a restricted area, we don't have much access to the outside world. I didn't know how bad the situation/rally was getting until my brother called me and people were texting that they were being sent home from work. Got curious and good thing it was my break, so I was able to go to the pantry to watch the news). Hay. Basta. Hay naku I give up na. As in. Grr. :'(

Anyway. I can't do anything right now. *bitter laugh*

I hate to be so pessimistic that this year is not going too well for me... but I don't know. I can only hope that things will get better. I mean, there is no way to go but up, right? Pleasepleasepleaseplease let everything get better.

Posted at 11:20 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
So Valentine's Day is really overrated, but I got some unexpected gifts. :) I love my friends! A caramel sundae from Crissy last week yet, chocolate from Mims, flowers from my super (all the girls in our team got flowers from him), another chocolate bar, a CD and two movies. :) Plus after work popcorn and PBBCE in the pantry with Patty. I complain Valentine's Day is a manufactured holiday, but oh well. It makes people extra nice and friendly. So I don't mind. Too much, anyway.

Posted at 10:56 PM | 0 comments
Thursday, February 02, 2006
So many things happened in January.

And I can't seem to express myself through words. My pen is still, my journal blank, but my mind and heart overflowing with so many things to say, feelings to share. But I just can't. Words have always been my refuge, but now they fail me. :(

Posted at 11:30 PM | 1 comments
Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

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