Saturday, February 16, 2008
Funnily enough, I noticed I like to write about my Hearts' Day (or SAD - Single Awareness Day, from an article in Time which my dad made me read! Gah) in my blog. No matter how uneventful it may be (and yes, the most eventful one was in college yet, in our very "out of the box" V-Day. I don't think any V-Day can top that one). In any case, Valentine's Day was fairly boring. I was in the office from 8am until about 10pm. When I arrived, though, there were roses from my boss for all the girls and chocolates for the boys. Loved how all the flowers made the office look! We also got cupcakes from the office.

My pre-Valentine-slash-de-stress weekend was spent with Tessa. We watched 27 Dresses, quite the aww worthy movie. My favorite line from the movie is "I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich." Haha I swear, I really laughed a lot when I heard it and until now I remember it. Yes, I am shallow like that. Had so much fun de-stressing with a massage and just going around, chatting, eating, coffee. We were both so stressed, so it was a nice break. :)

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