Friday, August 12, 2011
From another Friday 5 site.

1. Bully, teacher's pet, geek, shy kid in the corner, or something else?
Shy kid in the corner or saling pusa. Hmm I think I have that aura about me! I don't know if that's good or not though.

2. What did/do you usually eat during lunch time at school?
Ooh lots of good food memories all of a sudden!
If Grade School to High School, I always brought food from the house for recess and lunch periods. But oh! I remember buying ZigZag ice cream everyday before. And also green mango slices with salt whenever they were in season. Yum! I loved my school's homemade spaghetti, pizza, arroz caldo and sago! I miss that!!
College, I finally had a regular allowance to buy food from the caf (strangely it was usually a tuna sandwich on wheat or ham-egg-cheese sandwich) or from the nearby mall or eateries around school.

3. What did/do you normally wear to school? Thinking back to what you wore (if you've already graduated), do you like it?
Grade School to High School: our very nice plaid uniform. We always thought we had one of the better all-girls' school uniforms. Obviously, we liked it!
College: First to Second Year, I was usually in jeans. Then Third to Fifth, we were required to wear smart casual/business attire. Boringggg.

4. Any sports/activities/clubs you participate(d) in?
Only Bowling in college aside from Comelec. High School was all about the school paper.

5. Any worthwhile friends you (would) still keep up with after graduation? (sic)
Of course! ♥ my friends from my school days.

I know it's supposed to be last week's 5 on the LJ, but they might post the next 5 later today (or tomorrow here). In any case, for fun! Nice trip down memory lane.


Posted at 10:19 PM |


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