Looks like I will be making some New Year's resolutions, upon the influence of my quadmates. We're a pretty night owl-ish quad, beginning the day anytime from 7am and ending the day as late as 11pm. Two of us have cases in the hundreds and the other two have pretty complex cases so it makes sense to find our quad still busy at 8pm. This year, though, I think our (unspoken) resolution is to begin early and end early because today we all shut down earlier than usual. I even found time to file my old cases to lessen the stuff in my work station and try to be more organized.
Speaking of being organized, check out my calendar and work planner. Although I planned to be serious and business-like, I couldn't help but inject some whimsy into my planners. Like my calendar is somewhat pampam and my planner has drawn a lot of amused comments. It's a Gonuts planner given by my friend P which reads "366 Ways to Go Nuts: 2008 Disorganizer" and a whole bunch of fun stuff inside such as "Donut Forget" notes and puzzles every month. There are also coupons for various discounts and freebies. I also like the notebook size and nice paper. It has prompted people to ask if I do like donuts indeed, after the two dozen donut incident at work last month. Hehe.
So right now, I'm trying to: 1. Strike a work-life balance - starting with going home early, like 8-9p. I have school to think about too and at least twice a week I go home late because of school. 2. Be more organized - hoo boy, good luck on this one. I want to be really organized and it's not easy. Baby steps for this. So I began cleaning out the older cases in my files and work on the more recent ones. I have to clean out my closets as well. Yikes. 3. Visit my doctors - as I said, something might be wrong. Nothing major, but I haven't been taking care of myself with that (I was so alarmed during my last medical!). 4. Not cut my hair - haha shallow, but I was seriously considering cutting my hair very short again since I didn't have any pampam events coming up, but everyone has been dissuading me. So let me think about that for now. 5. Study - enough said! I'm super disappointed in my performance this term.
It's not really a resolution-resolution in that sense, but little ways to make myself better than I was last year/before. I know I'll keep adding to this list, but so far, this is what I am trying to commit myself to doing this year, beginning now.Labels: life, new year
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