Friday's Feast 149 on a Saturday
Appetizer Name a funny habit you have. Ooh my friends know this! When we go out to eat and I order a drink and it's in a glass with a straw, I like to get the straw out a bite the end in the drink. And I drink from there. It sounds really weird described that way, but it's not that strange. Just funny. And I'm not the only one who does this, a friend once asked me if they taught that in my high school because his younger sister who also came from my school does the same thing.
Soup If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick? Violin. Are there lefty violinists? Anyway, I read somewhere that there aren't any because they destroy the symmetry of the orchestra (the way the bow and arms are positioned). So if I could immediately know how, violin it is! So that I can make my weaker arm learn how to do something better than the left. Haha.
Salad How long is your hair? Uneven layers skimming my shoulders.
Main Course When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it? Ah... that's a hard question since I'm fairly laid back (read: dry and unemotional) with other people. If they do something against me, well... I'm non confrontational, laid back and generally forgiving (I like to think so anyway). The one person I find hard most to forgive is myself. Sadness! So in reference to other people, I'd have to think about that.
Dessert What is your favorite kitchen appliance? I am a Home Ec reject. I'd say the refrigerator because that's where I can find the ice cream and cake (ditz answer).
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