Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hmmm. Must not cut bangs by myself anymore. I cut my bangs again, something I do every two weeks, and it came out much, much shorter than I expected. My friends and stylist will not be amused. I can almost hear now a "Dude, I told you so." :P

Went Christmas shopping and again, fell in love with what I bought for my friends! It always happens every year. Last year, I kept a pretty pair of earrings for myself - I really could not bear to part with it. This year, I am pretty much self-restrained and will really give my gifts for the intended people. It's just as fun with the people appreciating what I give them. I crammed my shopping again this year and am not yet done! Wah!

But I still can't bring myself to indulge and feel the season. I've been working on something for the past month and... nothing. So I don't know and am not sure what to make out of it. But there have been surprising moments when a feeling of cheer makes its way to me - like today, getting an SMS from Jo, greeting me Happy Holidays and reminding me of good times with our friends. I couldn't help but feel giddy with that! I suppose it's the small things that make the season (and life!) and I'm looking for big meanings always.

* * *
I just realized I've been reconnecting with the Fab Team again, after two years! I'm unbelievably excited about the idea. ;)

Posted at 11:09 PM |


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