Friday, September 15, 2006
some days
I woke up today in a super cranky mood. As in super cross and it was compounded by a lot of little things while getting ready to go to work. Just the little things! Argh. Not to mention the traffic jam near the office, causing me to be a tad late for breakfast with Patty. When we finally got to McDonald's, we happened to get on the slowest, weirdest line. Wah.

Some days, some days, you really have to look at life with a sense of humor. I know it's just so petty, shallow--stuff I don't really need to stress over, I just feel like ranting.

I had fun today, though. Crissy and I were laughing so hard over something we received through e-mail. I haven't laughed like that in a loooong time. Laugh, as in tear-inducing-belly-aching laugh. Yeah like I don't have much chances to laugh so much and freely, but this one was really fun. Our seatmates couldn't get why we were laughing so hard. :) Well. We have a weird sense of humor, that's why we're friends. Haha!

And yes, it's also fairly shallow, but this, I appreciate.

Posted at 11:13 PM |


Blogger fcsuper said...

Sometimes I wake up in a good mood only to have it ruined by what I call "National Annoy Matt Day". I declare one of these days when there's just a whole series of events that seem to be targeting me with the sole purpose of annoying me.

8:05 AM, October 10, 2006  

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