Monday, March 20, 2006
It's been a strange weekend, that.

For one thing, I couldn't find a thing I wanted to read. I hate that feeling of really, really wanting to read something, but can't find it! So all the stuff that I want to read over the weekend? Gone. Aggh. Sobrang weird lang kase before I left for work, I left all the books and magazines on my bed! Parang joke. Talaga.

Come to think of if, I can't find these green necklaces I bought a few weeks ago. Ang labo talaga.

And Jollibee wasn't able to deliver food yesterday! I couldn't believe it when they called an hour after my dad ordered to say that they lost our order because their system crashed or something. Darn.

Plus, I am a frustrated scrapbook-maker, what with all the new, cute stuff available in National and other scrapbooking shops. Aliw! My officemates are making a scrapbook full of dedications for our soon-to-be-ex-schedule-maker. Crissy and I appropriated a page already and... well, the whole book's probably delayed because of me! I'm so OC about it. Anyway, I had all the rubber foam cutouts, photo corners, construction paper, glittery pen, calligraphy pen... and I wasn't quite sure what to do! I finished our page only today. It's pretty and girly with a garden theme, but I wish I had more time to do it.

Which brings me to this scrapbook project I want to do for a friend, but I am so hesitant to start. The main reason why I can't seem to start working or making scrapbooks is because I want everything available already--all I need to do is to assemble everything. That part I can do: assemble, design, create. Collecting every little thing is not something I am up for. Omg, the stress of looking through all my stuff. Scrapbooking websites say one can just work a page at a time, but I don't know. I like things done step by step as soon as possible. Planning School much?

As for my half-forgotten dream, I'm still working on it. Unsurely, though. How am I supposed to proceed anyway? What am I supposed to do next? I can be patient when I want to, but something tells me, this can't wait. I'm still praying hard and crossing my fingers. What more can I do, I wonder.

Posted at 10:54 PM |


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Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

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