Monday, December 12, 2005
I haven't been actually shopping for people I'm going to give gifts to. I'm stuck in a gift-giving rut, completely out of ideas and stressed out because Christmas is just around the corner! So fast! I know it should come to me in time, but I just can't bring myself to get going shopping for everyone on my Christmas list.

What I have been shopping for, though, is my dad's Kris Kringle in his office. How funny is that?! My dad joined their Kris Kringle for the first time daw, which amuses me no end because of the strange and usual topics. My dad picked this girl and got me to be his shopper. I'm so uncreative when it comes to these things. Like for "Wet and Wild", I got a body spray with a wildflower scent. The other topics? "Soft and Glossy" (lip gloss), "Red and Puffy" (a notebook with a really cute and sqooshy red cover), "Long and Hard" (two lariat [not sure what they call it] necklaces which are really long and hard to figure out). Completely corny! The gifts, I mean. Have one more topic to go, though, which is "Slippery when Wet" or something like that. I can't really think of anything interesting to give. But I'm pretty proud of myself for finding these things all in the Php100 range! For someone who doesn't really know how to hunt down bargains, that's really an achievement.

Now if I could just get down to shopping for my family and friends...

Posted at 10:56 PM |


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