Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

And because curiosity got the better of me, I discovered some things that I wasn't really supposed to know. In a way, I sort of knew it all along. Big blow to my self-esteem confirming it. I'm sensitive like that. I may be dense in some areas, but I can tell if something is different. But I know myself. I will not do anything except stay away. What else can be done anyway? I always knew that this was going to be difficult and that I have to go about this gently. And I did. Now, I don't know, I guess I brought this upon myself--the guilt, frustration, embarrassment (okay not really)--by just finding out something I was not supposed to. Sigh. But at least, now I know how to act and how to move on. It seemed too good to be true anyway.

It's also a sign for things to come, I guess. This has helped me make up my mind about stuff that's been bugging me for quite some time already.


Posted at 7:59 PM |


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Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

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