Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Senti me
I got my friend G's wedding invite last week... waah! I actually began to cry! I've known her since we were nine--we were classmates--but became really good friends when we were ten-eleven. I like to think we had a friendship that anyone needed when they were growing up. Being in the tweens is such an awkward stage and our friendship helped me through it. We sort of lost touch in college... but amazingly met up after college and revived our friendship. :) Now she's getting married! She's the second of our tight trium virate to get married! How exciting.

I'm just so sentimental because... we really are growing up. We've come a loooong way from the days we would spend talking about the strangest and philosophical things in the musty corners of the LRC, creating shadow puppets, swimming in Valle (hay, we have so many memories together! I must've documented in in so many journals. Even if there were a lot of fun memories, there were difficult things, too. But I think all that made our friendship and each other stronger) to... growing up, getting married (them), careers, life. Gosh. Strange how things move so fast without us really noticing it.

Why can't you keep your word?
I've been carrying this for more than a month now.
Then again, I'm more mad at myself because I haven't learned my lesson. Fudge.

Came across this...
Interesting thread in PEx. I've seen this also while reading blogs. Not good. :(

Posted at 10:46 PM |


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