Thursday, April 07, 2005

Strange but I found out Jerk was in the area yesterday.

Man! The same time I was walking around outside the office and debating whether to buy soft baked cookies or not, he was nearby. Sometimes, I wish any of my friends were here yesterday so we could have our usual snack and possibly spy on him. I haven't seen the guy in four years, but I still have a dim hope for him and me.

Eeeew! Pathetic! I know he's a jerk and all--now why would I nickname him Jerk if he wasn't one? But I'm still giddy over reading all those Meg Cabot books. I love the male lead Mitch Hertzog in "Boy Meets Girl". I honestly think he's sooo perfect and I have to admit I believed Jerk was the ideal too. I mean, what guy was super thoughtful and sweet to someone who's so not his girlfriend? And oh, have a nickname for the girl? Okay, so maybe he had a girlfriend at that time and he has a girlfriend now. But he occasionally sends text messages that make me smile--that means he still has my number and he remembers me.

Oh I know Gwennie doesn't really like him as well as my other friends. They swear I could do better than mope or cling on to Jerk, but I don't know. I still can't get over the fact that I honestly, truly thought he was the one. How, how unbelivably cheesy of the terribly cynical me, but true.

Goodness, I need a life!

* * *
A life. How can I get a life when at 6am I'm already seated in the office. My body clock is completely out of whack already, what with the changing schedules.

Posted at 1:45 PM |


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