Sunday, February 27, 2005
Stayed in the whole weekend.
Pretty boring.
But I liked it. I liked being alone and keeping quiet, not going online or talking to anyone. It was peaceful.
There are just some days I need to be by myself and recharge, then I can face the world again.
My brother was telling me of this comic strip wherein the character was saying that when the world is being too mean, just curl up at home in bed with comic books until the world looks more kind. Something like that (its sounds much better if I saw the strip, but that's more or less the gist). That's how I felt this weekend.
But I'm still not comforted nor am I recharged yet.
Sigh. :(

Posted at 11:52 PM |


Blogger Jo said...

I left you a msg in your Shoutbox, but I'm not sure if it went through. Anyway, I first read (and replied) to your comment in my blog before I saw the msg you left me in your Shoutbox. After reading the latter, I'm definitely sure now it was him I saw nga!

OH WOW. I noticed him in an instant, but I had 2nd thoughts lang because first of all, we're in the US. It's not exactly small, but how random is it being on the same spot in Jersey City?!!! Besides, he had the weirdest accessories 1) his wifey and 2) his kid. I was used to seeing him with a backdrop of his "EM posse" and giggling females of the UA&P ledge. This is just beyond unreal. :o

If I do get to bump into him again, do you think I should harrass him? *LOL* Btw, Olivan is still in NYC. Mika knows him pala and while she and I were chatting, she was chatting with him din pala. And she tried "to bring us back together." *LOL* Oooh, I could hit her!!! Good thing I got her to tell him I'm going back to San Francisco. You know how he's nice and all, but I think he'll go down in history as that dude who pestered the UA&P-JMA officers for P2,000 each to pay for the org's debt to him. Bygones, but I don't think I'll forget that. Hahahaha. Apparently, he still seemed quite defensive about it. *LOL* God, I hope he doesn't read this. Anyway, Molo's still there right? I have yet to bump into Bara and Alvin pa, that is if they are still here.

3:29 AM, February 28, 2005  

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