Tuesday, January 25, 2005
For the new year, I've been trying to cut down the negativity in my life and so far, I think I've been pretty successful. Now, I can say, "I'm beyond that". Things I cannot control, I've been accepting it graciously. Last year was horrid. I let circumstances bother and frustrate me to the point of almost being mean and spiteful to some people and ungrateful with all that I got and never appreciated everything that happened to me. But you know what? I've learned to overlook that by realizing how lucky I am. I'm fortunate to have a great group of friends wherever I go (as in people who see and know me as who I really am and accept me as is) as well as a tireless support system (my friends and my family who unfortunately get the brunt of my bad moods). When I told one of my friends today that I was "beyond and over that" (regarding a festering non issue), I realized I was telling the truth. I'm choosing my own battles and letting the others go. My parents are right: in the long run, China will win (what a quaint expression! My dad's friend used that phrase before in the 70s or so, meaning China will be a super power in time, they're just working at it. And it seems so already!), I just have to work at it. So there. I am keeping my mind and options open to whatever's in store out there for me.

Posted at 1:39 AM |


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Lefty. Bookworm. Loves to write. Chocoholic. Hyper at times. Not as sweet as this blog looks.

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