Sunday, July 18, 2004

Met up (actually Tessa, Angel and I) with Ms J, one of our former tutors in college.  She took up her doctorate in Spain.  She left when we were in third year and then just got back last April.  How time flies--the last time Ms J saw us was when we were still students fitting in our major classes and now we're through with college and making our way into the world.  But it was still the same hanging out with her, laughing and chatting about our lives (work, boys, school, love, etc), like we never really changed.
Thoroughly enjoyed seeing her pictures of Spain--the pictures all looked like postcards with all the pretty sights--and hearing stories about Spain.  I was quite interested about Ms J being able to pick up Spanish.  You see, that's what I've always wanted: to be able to think in another language.  And what Ms J said is correct, that a language can be learned once you are immersed in it.  Even if I had eight levels of French and three semesters in German, I really can't speak/think/read well in those languages because I'm not able to practice them.  I only learned those languages from books and audio tapes (German was a requirement in school, I never had the heart for it at first, but later on... yeah well.  I got used to it), but I never really learned to use it all.  Sayang.  Anyway, I do hope in the future I'll be able to take up those languages again and use them. :)

P.S.  Can Blogger get any better?  Hee.  I was just able to tinker around with it lately and I can't stop raving about it.  I also downloaded Hello, although haven't tried it yet.  :)

Posted at 9:09 PM |


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