Thursday, May 06, 2004
Since we couldn't be found on the website and I haven't tried to text "FindP" for my precinct, my bro and I stopped by our subdvision's guard house to check the list of voters from our place just to see if we're registered. Yep, we are registered, bahala na lang where the precinct is. I think it's still in the public school in another subdivision. My main concern is being registered.

So I'll be going to the polls on Monday and place my vote. You know what, I don't know who I really am going to be voting for already. I was very decided until recently. My officemate is telling me to "keep an open mind" about her candidate--which I am not doing. I also do not have enough senators. Or even a vice president. It's so sad in this country, we do not vote for the best person to rule, but for the better person or the lesser evil. One of the sons of the candidates for senator works in the office and he feels bad that here, money talks in politics. It's awful and I'm hoping that my vote (and everyone's vote) for the correct person will be a step towards a better country. I wish.

Posted at 8:05 PM |


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