Monday, May 10, 2004
How fun, I got to vote for the first time today (whee!). The precinct (a public school) was a mess--I half expected a classroom, but what I got was a 3x3 meter divider. That was my precinct. Gaah. It was warm, loud, messy, frustrating, but still quite exciting. Our voting was well documented too, thanks to my bro's digital camera. I also asked the person putting the ink on finger to put really, really little indelible ink (yeah well, I'm vain like that). The indelible ink got off after ten minutes of scrubbing with Scotch Brite and liquid dishwashing soap.

I was the last one in my family to enter the voting area and the first one to finish. I didn't know who to vote for among the local candidates, which was kind of terrible because the local units are the ones who directly affect me (ie, fares of public transpo in our town, etc). But we're not also well-informed about them. I hope I made pretty good choices though.

* * *
I had been vacillating about my choice for president for the past few weeks, especially since I learned a lot of dirt from one of my friends who works closely with my original choice. So people around me have been pushing their candidates to me, hoping I would consider as I had become "undecided" all of a sudden. My officemate is making me keep an open mind about hers, another has gotten me into a passionate debate about why her candidate should be mine too. I didn't consider their candidates so much because they were not that appealing to me.

In the end, "president" was the last space on my ballot I filled in and I settled for my original choice. No matter how sure I was to vote for the second choice, I went with my original choice. How could I not? It was what I knew was right, what my conscience told me so, who I truly believed in, no matter what.

* * *
Watching the partial and unofficial results on the TV is super annoying. Why can't people respect the sanctity of the ballot? Why do they have to sabotage the canvassing through power failures? Why are people so frustrating? Argh. That's it, my parents went up--will change the channel. Hate listening to the election results and other events today.

Posted at 11:45 PM |


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