I'm too old to have beauty issues. I'm old enough to accept myself.
I have to keep reminding myself that.
I can have career issues, life issues, but not beauty issues! Goodness. I should've outgrown that ages ago. And now, I'm being plagued by beauty/insecurity issues again. This is not good.
Anyway. I've been regularizing errors for Bliz since she left. She left a load of errors and it's not fun regularizing them. :( I've been sending a lot of telegrams lately. Hay. I was assigned to do her errors. If we weren't so pressured to clean up the error page, I would have left her errors pending (bad, I know but I'm awfully lazy and it's quite a hassle). Well, at least that's one thing over and done with. So now my only pending worry is the busy month of March.
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