Current Addictions:
Choc Nut-like ice cream - There's a pint left at home and I am eating it ever so slowly. It's addicting, not very sweet. I'm pretty much saving it until my parents can buy a gallon at least.
Gardenia Chocolate Bun - Now this is one thing I can't seem to find anymore in the supermarkets. Watson's used to sell Chocolate Buns, so Pa Bo and I would run there for our Chocolate Bun fix which was almost everyday. Now they don't have it anymore and we can't find anywhere.
American Idol - I'm pathetically grateful to Star World for bringing American Idol to Asia. Ais and I are always, always talking about it and making sure we get to watch every episode, even if it means staying up for the 11:30 p.m. replay and having an early day the next day. When I first began watching it, Simon reminded me of someone, but I couldn't quite place it until recently. When I remembered that someone, it brought a lot of *awful* memories of school. Goodness. I'm not sure if it was character building for me, but that was the only time in my school life I tried to be ambitious. Phooey. It panned out. After that, I went back to being safe and unobtrusive again. :(
Can I just share I feel violated that "Dove" is playing on a mainstream pop station? I'm just a bit possessive about our team song and hearing it on the radio is... making it very public. It's not supposed to be played on the radio! You're just supposed to hear it on some obscure chillout CD or someone's ring tone in the FX (really). No one's really supposed to know about that song. My teammates also felt that way! Haha, we're so selfish about that song.
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