Tuesday, September 09, 2003
How could a day that started out quite nicely (Andy won) end so terribly?

Well, not exactly terrible, but I am unhappy for a lot of reasons. It has to do with work (what else is new?) and *frown* I'm just tired, frustrated, irritated and all that. *sigh* I've been bringing up my issues to the proper authorities, but it seems nothing is going to come out of it. Phooey. So I'm pretty upset about it and I'm just really hoping for the best. Why does everything have to be so difficult for me at work when it comes to these things? Parang ako yung pinahihirapan talaga. I don't ask for much favors, just this once, and yet it's so, so hard! :(

* * *

Almost mowed down this someone, which was (mildly) embarrassing on my part. Too flustered to even apologize. Red as a macopa again. Aargh.

Something's wrong with the Fab Team. Wonder why. I can sort of feel the tension. But then again, I stay out of the mess, just to be the neutral mediator I am seen to be.

We-ell, the day sort of redeemed itself after I checked my e-mail earlier. My long lost friend e-mailed me she's back in Manila after almost six months in the US. I do hope our batch gets to meet up one day soon! Eek, I'm excited already!

Posted at 1:52 AM |


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