Tuesday, August 26, 2003
I need serious prettify-ing! Aargh!

I have not forgiven myself for being such a ditz and just being so... ugh today. I am in dire need of maintenance with all the difficulties and stress of the past few weeks (late late skeds, heavy workload). Guilty also--I've been staying up the past few days finishing a book so that adds to the reason why I got sick last week, I look awful and I need a rest, hehe. Will have to do something about it this week!

And I am such a ditz talaga, it's another "red as a macopa" day and I don't know why these things happen to me. How is it that I never knew I blush so hard when I am on the spot? I only learned that from my friends in college. So, so embarrassing. :(

Posted at 2:21 AM |


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