Friday, April 25, 2003
Friday Five while waiting for Gwennie.

1. What was the last TV show you watched?
Um... if I'm not mistaken, "Alias." But not the most recent episode.

2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem?
Silly clients who ask useless, common sense questions. They add to the queue. It drives us crazy.

3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
It might have been C and his new glasses.

4. What was the last thing you threw away?
Fliers and old envelopes I found in my bag which I eventually used as scratch paper while killing time anywhere.

5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
The eight girls' journal. I was just wondering why my latest post didn't publish yet.

That's done. I am sooo sleepy right now. Gwennie and I are having odds and ends of conversation because she's trying to work (calling up people) and making kwento, as she's all alone and we haven't really chatted each other up lately. Anyhow, I have my blog to humor me.

I think I will be forcing myself to have a haircut today. My hair (although I don't really want to admit it) is ratty-looking already (that's not a very charming way to describing it, I think). I am growing it out, but I can't seem to keep it neat. C offered me this leave-on hair moisturizer or conditioner to try out and I did try it, although it didn't really give much improvement to my hair. Hay naku that's why I look harrassed, my hair adds to the stress in my life. Eek. That sounds vain of me, but I want to look neater than usual. Wala lang, I don't want to be forever remembered as sabog, although it's true. Oh, I'm growing it out also because someone commented that long hair looks bagay on me. Naks. First time. A lot of people prefer me with short hair, but I feel I look mannish at times. Will be trying out this long hair thingy for a while. Haven't had long hair since the first few years of college. But I think I have bad timing--it's unbearably hot these days. So my hair is tied up with a chuk chak (is that what those clamp things are really called?) everytime because a pony tail is just so severe.

Hay. My hair. What a thing to think about on my day off. I still stress myself out unnecessarily.

Posted at 4:01 PM |


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