Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Here I am, blogging instead of studying for a quiz tomorrow. I'm just mulling over how fat I felt beside WH today. It was me and my lunch (rice and viand, please!), while WH had her saltines and her diet. Well. I felt conscious for a fragment of a second and realized, ha, forget it. I don't think I could starve myself. I'd rather eat.

Long horrible day. It's a down down down day for me. I should've followed my instincts and went on leave today. But then, I have to make up for it during the weekend... heee. Nah. I'll make do this week. I'll survive (I hope). I guess I lacked good vibes today.

*Still (over)playing "Jealous" by Nina on Kazaa. Just found out Jerk has a new girl. Hmm. I'm not quite sure what to make out of it.

Posted at 10:27 PM |


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