Tuesday, November 19, 2002
My schedule is so weird tomorrow. I'll be in the office until ten in the evening, not counting the pending stuff (hah, like I was in the office until eight tonight). Yikes. How weird. I'm half looking forward to it. Adventure.

Another highlight of the day! *grin* Semi Crush (I need a new nick!) asked me if I was okay today (do I look so kawawa ba? Then again, I was hugging my clear book and loooking morosely at the pc). He was also looking over at my work so I was pretty conscious (I could see him in the periphery). I think I really looked hopeless today (what an impression to make). Anyway, today was much better than yesterday. All I'm hoping is that I'll get better at this. What I hate pa naman is sounding and looking (not to mention feeling) not credible, which is not good.

So... looking forward to a long day tomorrow. *sigh*

Posted at 10:47 PM |


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