Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Weird dream last night. It involved one of my friends from high school and she wanted to run away or something, I forgot. I was just mulling over that dream because I haven't spoken to that girl for about two to three years already. Our group of friends sort of estranged her already, considering the mess she made out of her life (or something like that)--along with everyone else around her. So now I wonder how she is. I can't just call her anymore--I don't think she lives with her parents anymore. I think her mom gave up on her already. I don't even know her cell number because the last number she gave me, when I called it, she had apparently sold the sim card to someone already. I don't know where or how she is. My dream got me thinking and by chance, I found a looong letter she gave me for my 17th birthday, which came along with my friends' gifts to me then: a sleeping teddy bear in blue, a porcelain pencil holder with a teddy bear in blue, a pair of blue flowered earrings and a blue anklet. The last two, my friend chose them, and I wore the anklet to college until it snapped during Chem class and fell into the gutter that ran along the science lab. Anyway, I wonder how she is, where she is and all that. It's so weird how someone who supported my peanut butter addiction, wrote long letters and all that in high school could be so, so different now.

Posted at 5:39 PM |


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